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Do you have an event in Clay County coming up?

Would you like to invite the reigning Queen, Princess, and/or Duchess to attend?

Submit a request form found below.
Note that submission of request does not guarantee that the request can be accepted. Your request will be reviewed. If it is plausible for the reigning royalty members to attend, you will be promptly notified and arrangements will be made.
Please allow for 3-5 business days for review.
Submit your request at least 4 weeks in advance.
Please answer all fields in form. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. All events must be family-friendly oriented public events.

I would like to invite the Reigning Royalty to my event.

Events must support a reputable nonprofit organization, business, sports program, animal program, or individual charity project that supports, benefits, or provides a service for Clay County and/or the members of the communities within Clay County. No requests for goods or money from the Clay County Fair Pageant programs will be accepted. Requests may be rejected for any purpose deemed by the pageant director, committee, and/or the overseeing council with or without denial explanation. If denied due to a scheduling conflict, please place a request for future events again. All requests need to be made at least four (4) weeks prior to the event date. 

My event would include the following

Thanks for submitting!


By submitting this form, you agree that all answers provided were truthful and correct. You also agree that your event is family-friendly and in good standing and in good taste, appropriate for attendance by minors. Your event also carries all necessary insurance, safety plans, and other appropriate planning measures have been taken seriously into account.

We’ll get back to you shortly.

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